Looking for the perfect name for your baby?

Search over 95K Baby Names with their meanings. Find baby names that have meaning in different cultures and religions. Search in popular category such as Hindu baby names, Muslim baby names, Sikh baby names, 3 letter baby names, 4 letter baby names, 5 letter baby names, 6 letter baby names, Baby Names By Rashi and Nakshatra.

Love Calculator / Meter

Love Calculator is an online tool that will help you discover your traits and compatibility with different names.

Name Combination

You can enter your name and your partner name and our name combination online tool will generate some unique name combination, which you can use either as your love name or your baby name. Example - Mira + Shahid = Misha, Rani + Aditya = Adira

Age Calculator

You can use our age calculator online tool to find the age at which a baby will be most likely to enter grade school.

Hindu Baby Boy / Girl Names

Explore Hindu baby names by Rashi, Nakshatra or by Alphabets. Select the name and check its meaning. You can also search Hindu God Names and Hindu Goddess Names with their meanings. You can choose from a list of Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, Telugu or Indian regional baby names.

Islamic / Muslim Baby Boy / Girl Names

A huge Islamic baby names collection of modern and traditional Muslim baby names. The list will help you to find a name suitable for your child and with good meaning.

Sikh Baby Boy / Girl Names

Find a Sikh Baby Name or Name Meaning at www.naamhinaam.com . You can choose cute, cool and beautiful Sikh baby boy names or Sikh baby girl names.

Buddhism Baby Boy / Girl Names

Future Parents looking for suitable names based on Buddhism. The perfect site for baby boys and baby girls for Buddhism with their meanings.

Jainism Baby Boy / Girl Names

Find the perfect name for your cute baby boy or baby girl at www.naamhinaam.com - Thousands of Jainism Baby names listed alphabetically to help you easily find a unique and beautiful baby.

Naam Hi Naam Blog

At naamhinaam.com blog section, you'll get all about interesting facts on baby name, history of names, meaning of baby names, celebrity baby names and associated meanings with photos. Also trending names around the world.

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