Hindu god brahma Names for Baby boy. Explore Baby names by hindu god

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Hindu god brahma names for Baby boy

144 name(s) found
Names / Meaning
Stats / Action
Infinite, Eternal, Godly, The earth, Vishnu, Shiva, Another ...
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another name of lord Brahma
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Full of pride, Another name of Agni as the eldest son of Bra...
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Born of the lotus, Another name of Lord Brahma...
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Unique, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu, Non duality...
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Unique, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu, Non duality...
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Unique, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu, Non duality...
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Unique, Another name for Brahma and Vishnu, Non duality...
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A Plot of a Land Given to a Brahman or a King...
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Universal Soul of Brahman
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Infinite, Eternal, Godly, The earth, Vishnu, Shiva, Another ...
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Undivided, Indestructible, The Sky, Brahman or the supreme s...
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Undivided, Indestructible, The Sky, Brahman or the supreme s...
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Unique, Unmatched, New, Brahman
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Lotus; Another name of Lord Brahma
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An efficient horse rider, Another name for brahman or the su...
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Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi...
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Lord Ganesh, Name of a Ved, Name of a Rishi married to Santi...
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Power; Glow and Nature of Brahma; Bhramgyan Self Realisation...
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Lord of All Living-beings; Lord Vishnu; Siva; Brahma...
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Name of Lord Brahma
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Dedicated to Lord Brahma
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Dedicated to Lord Brahma
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Begins or originates with Brahma
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One who is the devotee of lord Brahma
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An indestructable weapon given by Lord Brahma...
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One who is the son of Brahma
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One who lives as long as Brahma
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One who is dedicated for the worship of Lord Brahma...
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A term for the crossbreed of beef cattle, between Brahman an...
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Absolute, Brahma
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Absolute, Brahma
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Lord Brahma, Conscious mind immersed in total bliss...
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Capable, Son of Lord Brahma, Fire, Gold, Talented, Excellent...
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Lord Brahma, Ruler of daksa
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Chief of the gods, King of the gods, Another name for Brahma...
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Supporting, Another name for Brahma, Upholding...
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A brahman who is twice born
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Lord of the Brahmans; a river
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Another name of Moon; King of the Brahmans...
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River God who is the Lord of the Brahmans...
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Lord of the Brahmans
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Oneness, United, Unmatched, Brahman or the supreme spirit...
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Emperor, Brahman or the supreme spirit
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The primal God, Brahman or the supreme spirit...
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Swan, Mountain, Pure, Another name of Surya Soul, Brahman or...
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The universal soul, Containing brahman or the supreme soul, ...
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The Sun, Man, Green, Light, Moon, Another name for Indra, Br...
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Lord Vishnu, Name of brahman
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Lord Krishna, Sage, Priest, Brahman
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