Hindu god indra Names for Baby boy. Explore Baby names by hindu god

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Hindu god indra names for Baby boy

166 name(s) found
Names / Meaning
Stats / Action
Of the Aryan race, Ancient, Warrior, Speedy, Another name fo...
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Sky ; Another variant is Abanindranath
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A variant of name Abanindra which means sky; A famous Bengal...
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The thunderbolt of Lord Indra, born of clouds...
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name of the Celestial White Elephant of Lord Indra ; A varia...
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Airavath (ऐरावत)
White elephant of Lord Indra
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Combination of Amar immortal and Indra king...
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This name has a Sanskrit origin, And is a combination of Ama...
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Name of Lord Indra
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The Best Among Gods; one of many names of Lord Indra...
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Lotus, Water born, Indras thunderbolt
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Lord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra, King of Sky...
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Lord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra, King of Sky...
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Name of Lord Indra
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Peacock, One of the Pandavas brother, Short name of Arjun (S...
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Bright, Shining (Third son of Pandu and Kunti, begotten by I...
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The Sun, Lightening, Fire, Hymn, A sage, Another name for In...
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Of the Aryan race, Ancient, Warrior, Speedy, Another name fo...
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Of the Aryan race, Ancient, Warrior, Speedy, Another name fo...
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One who owns the earth (Lord Indra)
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Lord Indra, Desirous of helping, Epithet of Indra...
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Indra of the Earth; Much Renowned
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Lord Indra, Name of Indra
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Gift of Indra
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Another name of Lord Indra; Lord of the Lords...
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King among the gods, Name of Lord Indra
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King of the gods, Another name for Lord Indra...
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King of the gods, Lord Indra
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King of the Gods, Lord Indra
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King of the gods, Another name for Indra, God of the gods...
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Chief of the gods, King of the gods, Another name for Brahma...
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King among the gods, Name of Lord Indra
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King of the gods, Another name for Indra, God of the gods...
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Lord Indra; one who is lord of the day
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Lord Buddha, A patronymic of Vishvamitra, An epithet of Shiv...
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Lord Buddha, A patronymic of Vishvamitra, An epithet of Shiv...
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Ghanendra (घनेंद्र)
Lord of clouds (Lord Indra)
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The Sun, Man, Green, Light, Moon, Another name for Indra, Br...
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Dear to Lord Indra
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Lord Vishnu, Lord of Indra
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Gods warrior, Strength of Lord Indra, Lord of bravery...
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Victorious God of heaven, Triumph of the Lord, Conqueror of ...
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Victorious God of heaven, Triumph of the Lord, Conqueror of ...
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Protector of Lord Indra, Variant of Inder...
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Gods warrior, Strength of Lord Indra
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Gods warrior, Strength of Lord Indra, Lord of bravery...
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Gift of Lord Indra
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Desired by Lord Indra
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Gift of Lord Indra
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Splendor of Lord Indra
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