23 name(s) found
Names / Meaning
Stats / Action
Bright, Shining, Pearl-like
The 1st one, Giver of one, First, Brahman or the supreme spi...
Diamond, Precious stone
Gift of Allah
Lord Shiva, Morning
Heart or soul, Paradise, Heaven
Passionate, Desired, Sensual, Lover
Crown given by Lord Indra to Arjuna, Another name of Arjun...
Fame, Reputation, Happiness
Wise, Attractive, Ruler of the earth, Founder father of huma...
Lotus, Delicate, The root of a lotus
Light of education, Pratham Aditya first Sun)...
Glittering, Shining, Gleaming
Season, Period of time
Shooting star, Cloud, Mercury
Musical tone, Worthy of being heard
Making easy, Facilitating
Millet plant
Famous Arabian tribe
One of the prophet muhammads names, Sura in Quran...
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