Hindu god shiva Names for Baby boy. Explore Baby names by hindu god

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Hindu god shiva names for Baby boy

1074 name(s) found
Names / Meaning
Stats / Action
Lord Shiva, Conscious mind immersed in total bliss...
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The eye of Lord Shiva.
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Perfect enemy; Shiva
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Lord Shiva, Lord of Daksha, An epithet of Shiva...
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Lord Shiva, Lord of Daksha, An epithet of Shiva...
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Lord Shiva, Derived from Daksh, Daksh - competent, Adroit, E...
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Lord Shiva, Derived from Daksh, Daksh - competent, Adroit, E...
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Name of Lord Shiva and Vishnu
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Lord Shiva
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Lord Shiva, One who endows those who walk the path of righte...
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Merciful Lord Shiva, Compassionate
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Merciful Lord Shiva, Compassionate
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Merciful Lord Shiva
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Name for Shiva; natural
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Another name of Lord Shiva
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Lord Shiva, Lord of the devas
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Chief of the gods, King of the gods, Another name for Brahma...
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Dhakshesh (दक्षेष)
Lord Shiva, Lord of Daksha, An epithet of Shiva...
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Lord Shiva, A name of Lord Rama
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Lord Shiva, A name of Lord Rama
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Dronacharya & Lord Shiva
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Name of Lord Shiva
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Sky clad Lord Shiva
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They are as firm as Lord Shiva
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A lofty and deep person; Name of Lord Shiva...
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Name of Lord Shiva; one who saves
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One who has matted hair; Lord Shiva
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Dronacharya & Lord Shiva
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They are the shadow of Lord Shiva
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Name of Lord Shiva
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Name of a Snake; Lord Shiva
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One who cannot be attained by simple rites; Shiva...
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Lord Shiva, Sky jewel, Another name for Shiva and Sun...
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Eashan (ईशान)
Lord Shiva, Sovereign, A Rudra, Name of Sun...
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Eeshan (ईशान)
Lord Shiva, The Sun, Vishnu, Agni and Surya, Ruler, Generous...
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Name of Lord Shiva
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One eyed, Lord Shiva
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One eyed, Lord Shiva
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Name of Lord Shiva
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Name of Lord Shiva
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Name of Lord Shiva; a sole leader
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Lord Shiva, Having one foot, One-footed
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One who is one footed; Name of Shiva and Vishnu...
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Lord Shiva is only one
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Lord Shiva, Lord Sun or north-east direction, Desiring and w...
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Lord Shiva, Lord Sun or north-east direction, Desiring and w...
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Son of lord Shiva
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Lord Shiva, God, Supreme being, Personal God, Or special sel...
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Lord Shiva, God, Supreme being, Personal God, Or special sel...
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a part of lord Shiva.
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