Indian baby boy names for numerology 5. Explore Baby names by numerology

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Indian baby boy names for numerology 5

2049 name(s) found
Names / Meaning
Stats / Action
The most strong
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The perceiver, The finder, The unfailing
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Unique, Difficult to acquire
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Different from all, Devoted
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Kind, Willing and wiseman
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Preserver of light
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Lord Ganesh, Free from error or deceit, Not cunning...
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The pure one
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Pure God
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Treasure, Security, Deposit
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Sharp witted, Light, Lamp of peace, Lamp of tranquility...
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One who lives a peaceful life
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Peace attainder, Attainer of tranquility
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Ruler, Prince, Rich, Prosperous
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Honest, Trustworthy, Pleasing
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Unlimited glow
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Unfading, Ever bright, Brilliant, Fresh, Clear...
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Priceless, Precious, Valuable
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Priceless light
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Lord Indra, One of the many names of Lord Indra, King of Sky...
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Lord Surya the Sun)
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King of Love
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Lord of the world, Homeless, Lord Shiva, Lord of all...
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Beyond criticism, Praiseworthy, Perfect, Innocent, Handsome,...
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Valuable, Neat, Elegant, Smart
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The eternal flame, Divine, Immortal
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Lord Shiva
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A name of Lord Vishnu
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Another name of Lord Vishnu
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Rare, Unique
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The Lord who cannot be defeated, Undefeated, Another name fo...
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The merciful
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Well spoken
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Love, Avatar, Lotus, Auspicious, Handsome...
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Worship, Revered
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Respectable Man, Intelligent
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Conqueror of enemies
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Destroyer of enemies
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Intelligent and handsome
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Glowing with intelligence
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