Indian twins baby Boy names

Indian twins baby Boy names

With the arrival of twin boys, you have all sorts of exciting names that may have actually been options for you. Maybe one of them stuck with you more than the other—or both! Browse our popular Indian boy names for twin brothers and read about which is most popular in each region. Includes charting trends as well as a list of popular baby boy names in English, Hindi, Punjabi and other Indian languages.

Indian twins baby Boy names

Pure, White, Bright
Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, ...
Good Manners
Good Manners
Godly, Pious
Unassuming, Knowledgeable, Mode...
Winner, Invincible
Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, ...
It refers to growth
Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, ...
Huge, Broad, Great, Substantial...
Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Li...
Most courageous among men
Lord of warriors
Lord of the waters, Neptune, Al...
Lord of courageous men, Brave L...
God of victory
Huge, Broad, Great, Substantial...
Temple, Monastery
Lord Krishna, Full of life, Ray...
Horse rider, A star
It means wisdom
Happy, Full of Joy, Play, Fun, ...
God of the land of Brij
God of the land of Brij
God of the land of Brij
Curiosity to research
Excellent, Manly, Bull, Virile,...
Excellent, Manly, Bull, Virile,...
God of Yoga
Lord of seasons, Lord of truth
Naam Hi Naam

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