Indian twins Boy Girl baby names

Indian twins Boy Girl baby names

Looking to name your twins? Indian Twin Boy-Girl Baby Names are the perfect combination of both girls and boys baby names. In India, with a large number of twin brothers and sister it's important to choose names that will be unique and separate them from each other. This list of popular boy and girl names are perfect for boys and girls who want to name their twins.

Indian twins Boy Girl baby names

Close friend, Good company, Sma...
Close, Intimate, Good friend, C...
Joyful unending, Calmness, Lead...
Who takes pleasure in new joys,...
Incomparable, Precious, Unique
Incomparable, Precious, Unique
Hope or desire, Army Man, Wish
To donate, To give or offer som...
Dedicate, Presenting, Offered
The red glow of the rising Sun,...
Dawn, Red, Passionate, Fertile
Of the Aryan race, Ancient, War...
Honored, Noble, Goddess Parvati...
Age, Man, Long lived, One with ...
Age, Man, Long lived, One with ...
One with long life, Long-lived
Age, Man, Long lived, One with ...
Formidable, Another name for Lo...
Goddess Parvati, Terror, The sp...
Earth, Base, Introduction
Sincere wish, The Moon, To shin...
A river, Moon light
Vision, Knowledge, Observation,...
The one who blessed, Beautiful,...
A lamp, Brilliance, Beautiful, ...
A small lamp, Light
A lamp, Brilliance, Beautiful, ...
Flame, Lamp
Lampe, Kindle, Brilliance
God, King, light, heavenly, Clo...
Divine, Part of God
God, King, light, heavenly, Clo...
Minor deity, A river in the him...
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