Indian twins baby Boy names

Indian twins baby Boy names

With the arrival of twin boys, you have all sorts of exciting names that may have actually been options for you. Maybe one of them stuck with you more than the other—or both! Browse our popular Indian boy names for twin brothers and read about which is most popular in each region. Includes charting trends as well as a list of popular baby boy names in English, Hindi, Punjabi and other Indian languages.

Indian twins baby Boy names

Valuable; Precious; Priceless; ...
Love, Affection, Devotion, Atta...
Love, Avatar, Lotus, Auspicious...
Devotional offering, Auspicious...
The red glow of the rising Sun,...
Lord of the waters, Neptune, Al...
The great one
A name of Lord Shiva, One who h...
Matchless or incomparable, Uniq...
God of wind, Brilliant, Shining...
Beauty, Son of Ashim
Lord of the waters, Neptune, Al...
Descended from Bharat, Universa...
Devotee, Disciple
Brilliant, Illuminated, Creater...
Lord Shiva, Attaining radiance,...
Sincere wish, The Moon, To shin...
The Sun, Illuminating
The Moon, Moon like a face
Lord Indra, The God of rain, Th...
Intelligence, Perceiption, Spri...
Brilliance, Lamp
Intelligence, Perceiption, Spri...
Banner, Golden, Abode, Flag, In...
Devotional offering, Auspicious...
Vision, Knowledge, Observation,...
Ruler, every thing
One who lives in erumeli
Naam Hi Naam

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