Indian twins baby Boy names

Indian twins baby Boy names

With the arrival of twin boys, you have all sorts of exciting names that may have actually been options for you. Maybe one of them stuck with you more than the other—or both! Browse our popular Indian boy names for twin brothers and read about which is most popular in each region. Includes charting trends as well as a list of popular baby boy names in English, Hindi, Punjabi and other Indian languages.

Indian twins baby Boy names

Name of a saint, Divine, Holy, ...
Resembling a God, Poet, One who...
Like a God, Food offered to the...
Name of Lord Shiva, The destroy...
King of religion
Lord of conquerors, One who can...
Gentle, Wise, Calm, Clever, Res...
Courageous, Warrior, Strong, Li...
Patience, Consolation, Born of ...
Lotus flower, To illuminate, Ir...
Calm and composed or cool
Happy, Delight
Promising, Determined
The Sun, Man, Green, Light, Moo...
God of mountain attributed to L...
Lord Shiva, Shiva and Vishnu co...
Cowherd, Another name of Lord K...
Name of a mountain in Gokul
Inside viewer, Spilt second, Tr...
Joy, Excitement, Happiness
Strengthen, Year, Cloud, Rain, ...
Gold or Lord Buddha, Early wint...
Gold or Lord Buddha, Early wint...
Wise or friendly
Lord of goodness, Lord venkates...
Lord of seasons, Lord of truth
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